Mandy, Indiana Sign to Fire Talk

Fire Talk is excited to welcome Mandy, Indiana to the label. Mandy, Indiana is the experimental project of Scott Fair, Valentine Caulfield and Liam Stewart (who has previously toured with Lonelady). Hear two singles “Pashto” and “Berlin” now wherever you stream music and stay tuned for more very soon!

 Intentionally raw production from Fair combined with a heady interest in the more macabre elements of literature and film (the band cites the work of filmmakers and writers such as Gaspar Noe, Leos Caraz and Irvine Welsh as inspiration) come together to present a vision that skews the lines between post punk and the rave.  True to the grit of Northern England, Caulfield’s vocals in her native French contribute an immersive layer of performance art and poetry that bring the spirit of the avant garde to life.  Slipping in and out of the abrasive qualities of noise, industrial and techno, their music recalls essential live acts such as Giant Swan and Minimal Violence as well as the unconventional guitar work of Girl Band and Housewives.  


Fire Talkgaryindiana