Lunch Money Life Share "Lincoln" Video, Immersion Chamber Out October 30th!


Today London based Lunch Money Life are back with another dystopian visual for stand out 'Immersion Chamber'  track "Lincoln". Dummy has premiered noting remixes featuring London Grime legend Flowdan and Hyperdub's Loraine James to follow later this month. The Spencer Young directed video follows our protagonist from pedaling street preacher to aspiring cult leader all whilst being monitored by the omnipresent eye in the sky. The track provides contemplative tension to the preachers Journey.

“Immersion Chamber”, recorded in an old church in East London, was co produced and mixed by Danalogue from the influential group The Comet Is Coming. The album saw a release in the United Kingdom back in April and will see an official release in North America on Fire Talk on October 30th.

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Lunch Money Life - Immersion Chamber
Lunch Money Life - Immersion Chamber
Fire TalkLunch Money Life