Nixon Mask is a project by Brendan Smith, founding member and bassist of Brooklyn based Mail the Horse. Inhabiting an off-the-grid ethos, the songs have fed themselves over the last several years through countless performance demos recorded among friends, often outdoors in the middle of the night, and many small, secretive performances across the country. Keeping the tunes close to chest has given them room to evolve into a fully realized body of work from an artist just coming into his own.

“BBQ Downer” Nixon Mask’s debut record is out August 25th on Fire Talk. Grouping lyrical manifestos and layers of washy guitars, the sounds and concepts consistently reach points of breakage, and arrive at moments of both tension and ease. The songs on BBQ Downer developed through steady periods of emotional turbulence, and arrive to the listener as moments of golden clarity, crystalline pictures of that mysterious and fleeting mossy-love-place which provides no directions there or a clear way back. An exploration on self and the people you love, presented wryly during or shortly after states of inebriation and social dissociation. With plenty of subtly delivered dark humor woven in behind tongue-in cheek levity, and recurring themes on cooking and overcooking meat. How driving is moving while sitting still and how freaky it is when it happens even after you leave the car.


